Sunday School

The Mar Thoma church at Canberra has a humble but strong Sunday school team, with a motto of
leading our children to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. We believe in Proverbs 2:6 which states

“Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not turn from it.”

The Sunday school at Marthoma Church Canberra was formally inaugurated in 2011 January. We
remember the days when there were three times more teachers than students in the Sunday School,
due to the very few numbers of students. However, though we started from a very humble
beginning, we have been blessed with more kids and regular church service, followed by Sunday
school classes.

The Sunday school follows the Mar Thoma Sunday school Samajam books and study materials, and
classes are held every week on Sunday, immediately following the church worship service.
During the course of the pandemic, the Sunday School has emphasized the importance of Christian
education and have continued our mission to bring our children in Christ by switching to an online
learning method using Zoom.

We also regularly conduct VBS (Vacation Bible School) sessions every year with the exception of the
pandemic year. Sunday school has also taken an initiative in collecting plastic bottles and taking
them for recycling. We actively partake in all the activities of the church and perform songs, skits, etc
during church functions. On 3 rd Sundays, the Sunday School helps in leading the service.

All through the things we teach and do, we pray and submit the kids entrusted to us, that they may
grow in the true nature and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and grow up to be true
ambassadors of Christ, wherever God leads them to.